Solo Exhibitions
2021 No Roots in the Earth, but Some in the Sky, Oregon Contemporary Gallery, Portland, OR
2019 Untitled Performance, Artistic Encounter Program, Eugene, OR
2019 Zakhm (Wound), Regularly Scheduled, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR
2018 The Cell (performance), Studio Without Walls, Eugene, OR
2018 THE CELL (performance), Artistic Encounter Program, Eugene, OR
2018 Uncover, Discover, Washburn Gallery, Eugene, OR
2017 The Endowment, Washburn Gallery, Eugene, OR
Group Exhibitions
2020 Under Our Moon Future Ascensions, Anti-Aesthetics, Eugene, OR
2020 Threads of Body, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR
2019 Regularly Scheduled, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR
2018 On The Soul Leaving The Body, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR
2018 No Joe Left Behind, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR
2018 Cheegh, Mayor’s Art Show, Hult Center, Eugene, OR
2018 New Edition, Washburn Gallery, Eugene, OR
2018 Distant Relatives, Littman + White, Portland, OR